School Family Education (SFE) is one of the recommendations of Family Matters! Singapore [previously known as Public Education Committee on Family (PEC)].
SFE adopts a holistic family learning model – equipping parents with effective parenting skills and training them to be parent facilitators, helping school staff to enhance their family life, and providing students with life skills training.
The parent-child relationship has much impact on the child’s academic achievements and positive attitudes/ behaviour, regardless of socio-economic status, ethnic/ racial background or parents’ education level.
For more information please download the SFE slides by clicking herefor english and here for Malay.

Commonly Asked Questions
What is SFE (School Family Education) all about?
In short, SFE organise talks for parents, students and staff.
What are the benefits?
Better understanding of their children
Better parent-child relationship – family relationship
Is it compulsory?
Not compulsory but all parents are encouraged to attend.
Can grandparents attend?
Grandparents/guardian can attend.
For more information please visit the SFE website or contact:
Mdm Ida Kesuma (SFE Coordinator)
Tel No : 67566760 ext 116
Email :
Mdm Sunita Said (Parent Liason Officer)

SFE speaker: Mr David Seah